Thursday, April 15, 2010

. . . to Broadway. Sort of.

What: You guessed it. The creators of South Park are headed to Broadway with "The Book of Mormon: The Musical".

"We're bigger authorities on The Book of Mormon than most Mormons." Reaction: I'm intrigued. Sure, it'll be offensive, sick, and wrong. But you have to give props to Parker and Stone for making Mormonism interesting to people who would otherwise not care about it. Also, they were responsible for this.


  1. when someone does something like this, as a Mormon I try and think about how I feel about other religions and groups. Personally, when I hear about the origins of scientology, Islam, or other religions and groups, I'm sometimes tempted to take a similar mindset as the South Park guys, and mock away. fair is far.

  2. I have mixed feelings about this. Part of me wishes this was an April 1 announcement and a hoax. The other part of me is very intrigued and says, "Go for it guys!" This only publicizes the church more... though I hope it leads many/some people to at least read the actual Book of Mormon.

    What's interesting to me about all of this is how, for the most part, people who mock the church and its core beliefs have never read the actual Book of Mormon that "Joseph Smith received through putting his face in a hat," as I read in one article about the new South Park creators' musical earlier today.

  3. Dear Bob, on another blog you said this:

    "Mormonism does in fact teach its followers to "test things out." It gives a theory (i.e. if you do this, this will happen), then invites you to put it to the test. This not only applies to praying and receiving answers; it also applies to overcoming personal challenges, achieving greater happiness, and other practical matters."

    "Remember that the Mormon religion began because someone doubted the things that were being preached to him in the churches around him. He decided to find out for himself what the truth is."

    "Doubt can be a great motivator, because it invites you to be serious about finding the truth. I would never say to any atheist "prove that I'm wrong;" but I would invite an atheist to "try and find out if I'm right"--not by taking a cursory look at some of the things our church teaches and discounting them, but by putting the promises of our church to the test via the scientific method."

    (view the entire comment here:

    But this is wrong. From the very beginning, God punished those who wanted to test Joseph Smith's book. When the people came up with a FOOL-PROOF way to find out if Joseph was correct, God became angry and took away the original information.

    If you believe your religion supports testing things and being scientific, realize this belief is not supported by gods actions. In my opinion, there has never been a more important test. By striking this test down, God made Mormonism a religion of pure faith, not well tested theories.

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    Please clarify what you mean when you say "the people came up with FOOL-PROOF way" to find out if Joseph was correct. I'm not sure what you mean by that. Regardless, I'm not interested in what men think is the best way to find truth. I'm interested in God's way, which, I happen to believe, at least when it comes to spiritual experiments, employs a method very similar to that of the scientific method.

    Also, how can you can talk about God punishing those who wanted to test The Book of Mormon when 11 witnesses were allowed to touch and handle the plates, 3 of whom were directly told by an angel that the Book of Mormon was true.

    Yes, Mormonism is a religion of faith, but it's not the "faith" that atheists usually talk about and deride. It's a faith based on evidence. That's what the book of mormon itself is, in fact--evidence. A dismissal of the Mormon religion requires a dismissal of The Book of Mormon, and in dismissing the Book of Mormon, you must come up with a plausible explanation of just exactly where it came from, if not from God.
